To review of WP List Booster, I set up a separate autoresponder list for each of the methods of list building that the WP List Booster allows and for three different sites. I wanted to know if these tools really made a difference and which worked best.

After doing this test, I can say two things with complete confidence.
Number 1: I will be installing WP List Booster on each and every one of my WordPress controlled sites.
Number 2: My test results yield some 'surprises'?

Essentially, no one tool worked best. Though, and much to my personal disappointment and continued annoyance, the pop up tool did the best over all across all sites.

That is, on a more traditional blog, the tool that allowed me to get an email address in the footer of the site design worked the very best. Now, I could 'come up with' a reason why that's true. However, that's really why we test. I never would have thought this before testing.

On a 'mini-site' selling an information product, the more traditional placements performed well and the pop up produced the biggest results.

Even my membership site, pointed to a different method as best.

Perhaps that's the biggest value in the WP List Booster, which you can get at IMDiscounts.  Specifically, it is a complete solution to opt in list building. While the author, Sam Zadworny promises to make updates in the future free, I'm not sure what other design real estate exists to exploit for list building. All the same, it's nice to know that when WordPress changes or a security update is required, you won't have to pay again.

While I personally wish there were a free trial option, the cost of the software is low enough and there is a 60-day refund period (something I personally as a fellow marketer never really like to use), that taking the plunge is simple and sensible.

Given the thought put into this product, I hope there is more to come from Zadworny; however, if this is the only work, he will go down like those great American Novelists who produce one amazing work and are not heard from again.

Don't miss out on this at HERE.